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For general route description, please use one of the navigation programs.

Destination is:

city: Jena, postcode: 07743

street: Reinholdweg

number: 6

Here are some useful hints, that you don't find in your navigation system

  • parking in the Reinholdweg is on the south side. Therefore it's a good idea, in Summer or in Winter at good street conditions, to drive the Hufelandweg till the upper end and drive the Reinholdweg from above
  • the curve at the upper end of Hufelandweg is very tight. Please prepare of playing kids on the street!
  • in Winter it's possible, that you can't drive the high-angle parts between north cemetery and Ricarda-Huch-Weg and at the upper end of Hufelandweg (see marked parts in the picture below). In this case use the way Philisophenweg -> Ricarda-Huch-Weg -> Reinholdweg from the bottom side
  • sometimes also this way is not possible, in this case use the parking lot at the north cemetery and walk the last 200 m.

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